In 2015 the Anglesea coal power station and its associated open cut coal mine were closed, and plans were drawn for its rehabilitation.

In 2020 Alluvium were engaged to develop detailed batter designs for the mine site, with the final aim that the site would become a nature reserve for native fish, animal and plant species. The batter designs were required to stabilise the mine’s slopes for the future lake, as well as safely conveying surface water runoff.

The designs had to factor in several elements to meet requirements:

  • It had to manage potential erosion within each of the six project site areas
  • Had to match the natural landform
  • Be suitable for the re-introduction of native vegetation
  • Be suitable for each sites’ variability in slope gradient

The designs were put to the test in May 2015, when a 1 in 2000 EAP rain event impacted the mine site. Despite being developed to meet the brief’s required 1 in 100 and 1 in 1000 AEPs parameters, the already-constructed drains were either undamaged or only slightly effected by some sedimentation.