Melbourne Water’s (MWC) Reimagining Your Creek program seeks to transform concrete/grassed channels and pipes to a more naturalised waterway, including development of the surrounding parkland with a strong focus on urban design to showcase the potential for creating places where blue (waterways) meets green (parklands). Blind Creek was selected through a site prioritisation process under this program.

The waterway consists of a grassed trapezoidal floodway with a low flow pipe. The site is a widely-used recreational, bicycle and walkway corridor, with access to reserves, parks, schools and sporting ovals, with a shared footpath running alongside the creek and the site is part of the Blind Creek habitat corridor.

In partnership with MWC, Knox City Council, South East Water and DELWP, Alluvium and REALM delivered functional and detailed designs for the naturalisation of Blind Creek.

The design provides a high-quality open space with improved accessibility, recreation, amenity, and ecological value, that delivers opportunities for community engagement and urban cooling benefits while ensuring that hydraulic conditions are maintained or enhanced.

The design considers the longevity and sustainability of the project outcomes by minimising ongoing maintenance costs as well as promotes opportunities for future developments to engage with the waterway and the space.

The site is currently under construction and due for completion in mid-2020.