GCWA and the CoGC engaged NCEconomics and Alluvium to provide advice on a way to prioritise investment in infrastructure projects to enhance the Coast’s resilience to climate change impacts and subsequent coastal inundation hazards. This included consideration of broader innovative approaches based on lessons from elsewhere. The project has been delivered through a structured Preliminary Business Case (PBC) process.

The project has involved:
• Defining the service needs or opportunities to be addressed through the projects prioritised in the PBC.
• Develop broad concepts for infrastructure options that will singularly or as part of a portfolio address the service needs.
• Prioritise the concepts from a long list to a short list for inclusion in the PBC.
• Establish a framework for the development of the Detailed Business Case (DBC) that is consistent with Building Queensland and other investment vehicle requirements, but reflects the complex and uncertain outcomes from investing on coastal hazard projects.
• Identify and document the investment pathways for inclusion in the DBC, including the prioritised, and sequenced investments and the identification of potential co-investors and investment mechanisms (public and private).

The project has been delivered through a range of activities, including stakeholder workshops, key informant consultation, risk assessment and valuation, development of options (including modelling the multi-criteria analysis (MCA) and economic modelling of costs and benefits.

The project has provided GCWA and the CoGC with a comprehensive basis for developing the DBC.