The Greening the Pipeline project led the planning to transform the heritage listed Main Outfall Sewer (MOS) and its reserve into a vibrant space that will connect communities, enhance active transport options for the region, manage water sensitively and provide a unique place to meet, play and relax.
The MOS Reserve is largely inaccessible or uninviting, creating a barrier between adjacent communities and separating these communities from natural and recreational assets on either side. Our work delivered planning for a recreational asset that will provide a unique sense of place, encourage active recreation and link people to their natural surroundings.
Alluvium and REALM studios teamed deliver a masterplan which outlines opportunities to improve access and amenity of the MOS reserve by transforming it into a linear green space that connects communities on either side, provides connection to the region’s significant natural and community assets while introducing the community to the historical and cultural significance of the MOS artefact itself.
The plan has been developed through a collaborative and consultative process that has included Council staff, Traditional owners, Community members and school children. It is the celebration of this historical and scientific significance that lies at the centre of the Greening the Pipeline Masterplan.
Critically, the plan – via the MOS – connects the community to water, and specifically the proposed stormwater harvesting concept. This concept will provide resilience along the MOS such that it can remain green through drier periods without relying on potable water. The harvested stormwater will deliver irrigation for trees within the MOS Reserve maintaining healthy tree canopies and providing urban cooling outcomes.