Alluvium was engaged by the Southern Grampians Shire Council to develop a strategic IWM that will guide Southern Grampians Shire Council (SGSC) to meet future environmental and social challenges so that Hamilton continues to be a great place to live, work and recreate.
Hamilton makes for a fascinating case study of a regional town building water cycle resilience. Their water systems include a reliable and high quality potable supply (voted the best tap water in Australia in 2018), a recycled water network and raw water network for the irrigation of parks, schools and open spaces. The Hamilton wetland treats 70% of urban runoff and provides future harvesting opportunities while the central Lake Hamilton is a popular walking, running and rowing venue.
The Hamilton IWM Strategy 2020-2030 was built on a consultation process across Council staff, agency stakeholders, SGSC Councillors and members of the community identifying and prioritising future opportunities including:
• A rainwater harvesting scheme for the town’s recreation centre saving up to 60% of that facilities potable water use
• A water sensitive urban design plan to reduce nutrients into Lake Hamilton
• A horticultural scheme to realise better value for the town’s recycled water resource, and
• An upgrade to the ‘Old Reservoir’ raw water supply network.
Through this plan that has been driven by Council and community, Hamilton has the opportunity to realise a truly integrated urban water network.