Midge Point beach is a shallow embayment south of the Midge Point headland, on the southern shore of Repulse Bay. The sand beach extends 1.9 km southward from a small tidal creek (Sandfly Creek) immediately south of the Midge Point headland, to the tidal entrance of Yard Creek below the rounded 60 m high Midge Mountain.

The area has experienced episodes of substantial erosion over many decades. The local community progress association had previously trialled multiple approaches to erosion protection, through a mix of community led and Council supported programs. In 2016, the community established (informally) geofabric material to provide dune protection along 1 km of the beachfront. This was subsequently unravelled by cyclone Debbie in March 2017, and prompted a State response to intervene and co-invest with Council in the establishment of appropriate protections works going forward.

Alluvium assisted Mackay Regional Council with the development of an updated Shoreline Erosion Management Plan (SEMP), including and options assessment process with the community, and subsequent concept design of the preferred beach restoration works. Mackay Regional Council were successful in securing funding from the State and Federal Government to complete the works. The package of restoration works was noted by State and Council as one which will provide enduring benefit for the coastline and the community, and will:

  • Provide increased protection from erosion and storm tide inundation during extreme events
  • Restore and protect the natural features and amenity of the coastal landscape
  • Increase the resilience of the beach to recover after storm activity.