Alluvium worked with Gunaikurnai Land and Waters Aboriginal Corporation (GLaWAC), who represent the Traditional Owners from the Brataualung, Brayakaulung, Brabralung, Krauatungalung and Tatungalung family clans, to develop a plan to manage the active erosion at the highly important site at Round Head, in the Gippsland Lakes.
The Gippsland Lakes are internationally recognised wetlands rich in environmental and cultural value. The Lakes National Park and Gippsland Lakes Coastal Park are located on the country of the Tatungalung clan. The rich food resources of the Gippsland Lakes and the transport routes on the sheltered lake waters led to intensive occupation of the two parks by Gunaikurnai people over many generations. Key indigenous values are located on and within dune areas throughout the Gippsland Lakes, including middens, artefact scatters, scarred trees and burial sites. The protection of these sites, particularly burial sites, is important to the Gunaikurnai people. Burial sites are often located in dunes along the lakes shoreline and are vulnerable to wind and coastal erosion.