To ensure a healthy, resilient and enduring Urban Forest, the City of Frankston has prepared an Urban Forest Action Plan (UFAP) that provides clear direction and management for Frankston City’s canopy trees.
We have been engaged by Council to deliver the first Urban Forest Precinct Plans. The Precinct Plans will direct the tree planting program to achieve urban forest target objectives, protect and enhance neighbourhood character, and prioritise works and budgets within each precinct.
The Urban Forest Precinct Plans contain:
- Assessment of the current state of the tree population
- Priorities for tree planting in streetscape based on the UFAP.
- Planting locations to improve neighbourhood character
- A 10 year planting plan
- Suitable tree species list taking into account climate change
- Predicted increase in canopy cover within the 10 year period and monitoring methodology.
The Urban Forest Precinct Plans are evidence-based, focussed on broad community and environmental outcomes, but provide practical, onground recommendations to increase canopy cover in Frankston.