Mosaic Insights and Alluvium Consulting worked with Blacktown City Council to assist them assess the impact of their 2013 WSUD Capacity Building Program (CBP) and plan for their actions for the next five years.

We completed an evaluation of the 2013 WSUD capacity building strategy and plan through document reviews, interviews with senior staff and a survey of the general staff involved in WSUD over the past 10 years.

We used the CRCWSC WSC Index benchmarking process and we know that the success of the benchmarking exercise rests with aligning the assessment with local issues and needs.

We worked successfully with the first three local councils in the Greater Sydney Region, Ku-ring-gai, Hornsby and Inner West Council – to apply the WSC Index, as well as co-facilitating the application of the WSI Index for Hunter Water and the five local council areas they service and the Illawarra Shoalhaven Joint Organisation and their four member councils. .

The project for Blacktown was completed with the preparation of a five-year action plan for capacity building to assist Council move towards its vision of becoming a water sensitive city.