Knowledge support
We realise that the breadth and depth of engagement with industry, as well as the institutional knowledge of our people, mean that we hold valuable insights for the industry at large. We fund and run a program aimed at sharing these insights with the wider industry.
We do this through popular and technical publications, digital tools and partnerships with key figures. We run monthly information sessions where we invite industry leaders into the business for discussion and debate.
Our board has set targets for sharing insights with the industry and it is a key metric we use in measuring individuals and group performance. Our recent articles have been published in industry journals and newsletters, scientific journals and our social media platforms.
Research partnerships
At Alluvium we aim to play a role that links the best research and environmental managers.
Actively participating in research is crucial to that role, exposing staff from across the organisation to advances in thinking as well as enabling researchers to tailor and apply projects to what’s needed by managers and policy makers. We do this through writing papers, supporting our staff who wish to pursue research, jointly supervising students, hosting research interns and funding our own research priorities.
Our research and development program has established formal links with CSIRO, University of Melbourne, Griffith University, Monash University and the University of Newcastle through CRCs, post graduate student projects and joint research bids.