Andrew is a Water Resources Engineer with over four years of industry experience consulting to the public sector on policy and strategy projects. Andrew joined Alluvium in 2020 following over 2 years with the Department of Planning, Industry & Environment (DPIE), working on floodplain management and environmental water delivery projects in the northern Murray Darling Basin.
In his previous role at DPIE Andrew helped deliver the Macquarie Valley Floodplain Management Project as part of the Healthy Floodplains Project. He helped develop the 2-dimensional hydraulic modelling products, delineate management zones as part of the project working group, review Public Exhibition feedback and present easy to understand technical and spatial information through ArcGIS. More recently he has been involved in the Northern Basin Toolkit project, developing 2-dimenisonal hydraulic models for the Mallowa Creek watercourse and as a Project Lead for the Feasibility Study and Pre-Business Case development for the Gwydir Constraints project. He has over 4 years experience in delivering NSW Government projects, with previous experience at Transport for NSW focusing on contaminated land management.
Andrew has recently finished his Master of Engineering degree at UTS in Sydney, focussing on water resources management. His thesis project was an investigation into the influences of floodplain development on the flow regimes at a catchment and basin scale, including cumulative effects of development on the floodplain.