David joined Alluvium in July 2011 after 17 years in environmental and agricultural agencies in the Australian Public Service. Initially joining the Australian Nature Conservation Agency in 1995, David spent the last 3 years of his career in the Service as Director of Water Resources Assessment at the Bureau of Meteorology. For five years prior to that, David was a Director in the Bureau of Rural Sciences, leading teams in drought assessment, climate science and water resources reporting.
David now has 29 years experience in local to continental-scale natural resources assessment and reporting. At Alluvium, David has led and managed many projects on the development of monitoring, evaluation and reporting programs, or auditing of environmental program performance. These include evaluating and reporting on the performance of the Murray Darling Basin Plan, the development of monitoring and evaluation frameworks for the Commonwealth Biodiversity Fund and Australian Marine Parks, and the evaluation of NRM outcomes under Commonwealth and State funded programs. Recently, David has been actively involved in high profile auditing, planning and design work underpinning investment of over $90 million in stormwater treatment systems and integrated urban water management in the ACT and the development of an ACT and Region Catchment Post-emergency Recovery Plan.
While in the Federal Bureaus of Meteorology and Rural Sciences, David and his staff developed regional water balance frameworks to underpin National Water Accounts, produced Australian Water Resources Assessment reports, and modelled and published regional water balance data for the Australian continent. He was also involved with R&D on the application of risk management frameworks to climate change adaptation in agriculture. In the 1990s, he undertook forest biodiversity assessments in the development of Regional Forest Agreements between State and Australian governments. He also supported marine park planning processes and State of the Environment reporting.