Felix joined the catchment team at Alluvium in 2023, working on catchment modelling projects, water quality analysis, and data science.
Felix’s vision is to use models and data science to understand engineered and environmental systems in the water sector. He uses his skill set as a Chemical Engineer and a systems approach to achieving this vision, connecting biological and environmental systems knowledge with data analysis and model development to generate systems understanding.
Before working at Alluvium, Felix attained a PhD in Chemical Engineering from the University of Queensland, where he developed a novel biogas treatment process. After completing his PhD, Felix worked as a Post-Doc at the University of Queensland in Environmental and Chemical Engineering in collaboration with Alluvium and resilience modelling. He is also an experienced lecturer in statistics, modelling, and programming, and he received certification for teaching coding in python from carpentries.org.
Felix’s keen interest in environmental and biological systems continues after work when he enjoys making sourdough bread and other fermented foods. He also practices circus arts, such as aerial rope and hand balancing.