Kane is a co-founder and Director of Alluvium Consulting in Melbourne and has over 25 years of experience in the delivery of environmental programs and projects. With an Applied Science Degree and postgraduate MBA focused on corporate sustainability, Kane has developed a broad level of experience in policy, strategic planning and implementation projects in both urban and rural Australia.

Kane has a strong background in NRM policy, planning and environmental works through eight years of employment with the Victorian Department of Sustainability and Environment, and a further four years with Melbourne Water delivering operational management of waterways, and negotiation of environmental and water quality outcomes with the land development industry. Kane’s consulting experience has focused on supporting clients with NRM strategy development the evaluation of planning and implementation policy and programs.

In addition to his technical focus, Kane provides a key role in the integration strategy between the Alluvium businesses, and with external business partnerships.  Kane also leads the client relationship parts of the business which has culminated in Alluvium previously winning the “Most Innovative” professional services firm, and in  “Best Engineering Firm (<50M)” in the prestigious BRW Client Choice Awards.