Greg is a Civil Engineer and Ecologist with a passion for natural sciences. He specialises in waterway management, stream rehabilitation and ecological assessments and feels most at home working on projects where he can combine his engineering and vegetation knowledge.
Greg’s work experience spans a large geographical area and he has worked for both government and non-government organisations on urban and rural water projects across Eastern Australia and Queensland. On a secondment to Melbourne Water, he worked in the waterway design team to assess and design stream stabilisation strategies. During a longer secondment to the Glenelg Hopkins Catchment Management Authority, his position as catchment engineer involved the development and implementation of the on-ground works program, the statutory approval of works on waterways, coordinating the development of stormwater management plans and a period as floodplain manager. He also has experience in natural disaster recovery. In 1998 Greg was part of a small team involved in initial flood damage assessments in East Gippsland and North East Victoria and subsequently, one of the designers on a team for the East Gippsland Flood Response Program; a large contract for design and construction of remedial works.
Over the last 10 years in Queensland, the majority of Greg’s work has been in the mining industry where he has applied his knowledge of landform design, hydraulic modelling, hydrology and ecology to the rehabilitation, design and monitoring of stream diversions in Central and Southern Queensland. More recently, Greg has been involved in the design and construction of bank stabilisation works in urban settings.