Jabbar is an expert in spatial ecohydrology and environmental monitoring, focusing on analysing spatio-temporal data on climate, water, terrain, vegetation, and extreme events such as floods, wildfires, and droughts. His expertise lies in analysing timeseries, remote sensing and spatial data to understand complex land and water interactions and to generate metrics, indices, and predictive machine learning and statistical models that monitor current environmental conditions and track changes over time.
Jabbar develops advanced tools and automated workflows that support decision-making processes and solutions for challenges across catchments and cities. His technical skills include Python and its analytical packages, ESRI GIS, APIs, WCS clients, and cloud-based platforms such as Google Earth Engine (GEE), ESA, NASA MAAP, and ODC-DEA.
With a strong background in collaborative consulting, stakeholder engagement, and clear communication, Jabbar consistently delivers valuable insights and practical outcomes to meet client needs effectively.