Judy is a Water Policy and Strategy Advisor with Alluvium and has extensive experience in strategic land and water planning and evaluation, project management, policy development and stakeholder management. Before joining Alluvium in 2022, Judy worked in senior planning positions in several NSW Government water and land management agencies as well as with metropolitan water utilities and local government.
Judy has a proven ability to provide high-quality strategic advice on complex environmental, economic and social issues, working with stakeholders and cross-disciplinary teams to achieve results. Judy has led teams responsible for urban water planning, including securing water supplies for the greater Sydney region and developing strategic water recycling and conservation initiatives. Judy was also responsible for the development of plans of management for national parks including improving linkages between park planning and evaluation and has led policy development and advocacy on major urban and regional planning issues on behalf of NSW local government. Judy worked for a number of years with WaterNSW and Sydney Water in various policy, planning and evaluation roles.