Sam is an undergraduate engineer studying civil and environmental engineering at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS), set to finish in 2023. He is passionate about sustainable water management, water modelling, and pollution control and is excited by the potential that engineering solutions have in reducing waste. Sam has explored these passions through volunteering with Engineers Without Borders at UTS and working with UTS Sustainability. He has also led a team of engineering students in an internship, designing a channel and associated roadworks.
Since joining the Sydney office, Sam has worked on a range of projects at Alluvium including asset mapping and risk assessment for erosion for both the Cooks River catchment and the Hawkesbury River gaining experience in the field and with QGIS. He has developed his design skills using modelling software such as AutoCAD and 12d through working on the designs for stormwater treatment systems in Canberra, bank stabilisations in Cattai, and a hydraulic connection to manage floods and deliver water to the environment near Moree. Sam is currently developing his skills in HEC-RAS, working on 1D and 2D hydrologic and hydraulic models.