Samantha Culver is an ecologist and recent graduate of the University of New England, completing a Masters degree in Natural Resource Governance. She has spent the past 10 years working in the environmental industry, with the past 5 years working in Federal and State Government, including for the Department of Environment, Water, Land and Planning, and the Department of Regional New South Wales. Sam has worked in several project management roles, for example coordinating threatened species habitat recovery in the Southern Highlands after the 2019-20 bushfires, and on government reform projects, including as the regional lead for the Committee of Management Reform Program (BSW Victoria), and a Regional Roads Victoria environmental planning compliance reform program (BSW Victoria).

Sam joined Alluvium in August 2022, and has since supported several projects, including The Living Murray Condition and Intervention Monitoring Program Evaluation. Sam is currently undertaking a part-time secondment with the Murray-Darling Basin Authority in the Riverine Ecology Section of the Knowledge and Engagement Portfolio, supporting the MDBA with project management, policy analysis and program coordination.

Sam has a strong background in project management, environmental planning and policy analysis. Her strengths in communication and critical analysis have led her to develop a diverse experience in the environmental and natural resource management sector. She is passionate about working with stakeholders to solve natural resource management issues.