Shivani is an architect and urban planner  with specific interest in urban water, wastewater management, and climate resilience linked with a people-centric view. She has over four years of experience in action research, advocacy, and capacity building for various themes on urban water and wastewater management including water-sensitive urban design and planning (WSUDP), urban lake management, urban drainage and stormwater management, rainwater harvesting (RWH), blue-green infrastructure, decentralized wastewater systems (DWWTs) planning and City-wide Inclusive Sanitation (CWIS), in India and the global south. Shivani focuses on bringing planning and design strategies that are complementing urban blue-green infrastructure.

Shivani worked as a Senior Research Associate under the Urban Water and Wastewater vertical at the Centre for Science and Environment (Think Tank), a not-for-profit public interest research and advocacy organisation based in New Delhi. During her tenure at CSE, she has worked closely with national and state governments; National Mission for Clean Ganga (NMCG), the Department of Urban Development (DoUD), Uttar Pradesh, and the Housing and Urban Development Department (HUDD) Odisha, etc., and international agencies such as the Asian Development Bank (ADB), the International Water Association (IWA), the University of West England, Bristol, Water Resource Commission (WRC), and the University of Cape Town, Africa, and Cooperative Research Centre for Water Sensitive Cities (CRCWSC), Australia. She also has experience in developing publications and contributing to knowledge briefs on subjects; blue-green infrastructure as effective measures for urban flooding and groundwater management and WSUDP for evolving resilience.

Shivani has also gained experience in retail designing, landscape design, and institutional and residential urban design projects in India. She holds a master’s degree in Urban Regeneration (M.arch), from Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, India, and a bachelor’s degree in Architecture from Punjab Technical University, Chandigarh.

She has joined Alluvium Consulting India as an Urban Planner (Water and Environment).