Sophie has a background in plant ecology and conservation. She is a recent graduate of Macquarie University’s Master of Research program, where she investigated the change in diversity and function of trees within Australian cities. Her specialty is in investigating the diversity of features that Australian councils build into their plant selection, and how urban forests across the public and private domains can encompass more diversity of function in their tree canopy and beyond.
Before joining Mosaic Insights (part of the Alluvium group of companies), she was involved in research for the Which Plant Where project, contributing to best-practice planting guides, climate resilience and functional analysis of street trees, and collateral for the project’s Interactive Plant Features Tool. With Mosaic Insights she has supported the development of the Draft Greener Neighbourhoods Roadmap for the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment and has worked with the team on urban forest strategy and planning for city councils across NSW and Victoria.
Sophie is a PhD candidate with Mosaic Insights and Western Sydney University investigating the natural canopy dynamics of urban trees across metropolitan Sydney. She finds the complex and novel nature of urban ecosystems a fascinating and creative research and industry space, and sees advocacy for healthy equitable urban forests as crucial for the city’s human and other than human populations.