Ross is a Director of Alluvium Consulting Pty Ltd and has more than 25 years direct experience in the waterway management industry including the role of Technical Director of a major engineering consultancy. Ross has been responsible for the design and supervision of the major waterway management programs and projects throughout Victoria, and in NSW, Queensland, South Australia and South East Asia.

Ross specialises in the hydraulic and geomorphic assessment of stream systems, analysis of stream erosion and sediment deposition processes, streambed scour assessments, sediment transport and environmental flow investigations. Ross has designed and supervised onground waterway management and rehabilitation programs including management of waterway avulsions, stream bed and bank erosion, sediment management, willow management and streamside revegetation.

Ross is the author of the “Technical Guidelines for Waterway Management” a technical manual on the design and implementation of stream management works for the state government of Victoria, and has conducted training courses in Tasmania, Victoria, South Australia and Queensland on the application and implementation of the principles of geomorphic channel design.